
Midlife Makeover Method—Vitamen's Longevity Trio


“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”
—Michael Pollan, Food Rules

nutrition, diet, supplements, macros, metabolism, timed eating, body composition, meal planning/prep, and more


“Those who don't find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.” —Earl of Derby

exercise, fitness, movement, strength, balance, flexibility, fit tech, stability, agility, muscle-centric foundations, and more


“Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise.”—Ben Franklin

sleep science, sleep tech, circadian biology, meditation, sleep environment, breathwork, spirituality, social structure, and more

Let's Optimize Your Health Now + For the Future




1-hr session

Book Session
Come at me with anything and everything. I give you tailored guidance on all things health, wellness, and vitality. Perfect for getting started on your journey.

Bring specific issues to this session for a deep dive or we can cover the spectrum of longevity, health, nutrition, relationships, and midlife transitions.

Summary Recommendations and Resources Report will be sent following the call to begin your vitality and wellness journey

Does not include a pre-assessment

15% discount to either VitaCoaching package or VitaElite Immersion booked in the future.




2-hr session

Book Session
Comprehensive option for beginning your transformation. Deep dive into your health and lifestyle to pinpoint key areas to address. Come away with a tailored blueprint to begin your journey.

A self-directed online assessment will be sent to you after booking. It will take 45-90 minutes to complete. It can be done in parts as it autosaves as you work on it.

Assessment must be submitted no later than 48 hours before the consultation session so I can go over all the details and prepare a your VitaBlueprint draft; which will be finalized and sent to you after our session.

20% discount is applied to either VitaCoaching package or VitaElite Immersion booked in the future.

Lifespan Extender


$1800 & $3400

4-pack / 8-pack @1-hr each

Pick Your Pack
These two coaching packages of 1-hr sessions are where we dig in and remake you.

Either package of 4 or 8 sessions can be scheduled weekly or bi-weekly, effectively making your program 2 months or 4 months respectively.

VitaCoaching packs include access to a coach-client health and nutrition tracking app. Between sessions, you'll receive tasks, check-ins, and messages from me. You'll have access to tools and other resources specific to your customized journey.

Pre-assessment included if not already completed from another VitaService. Your tailored VitaBlueprint is formulated from the pre-assessment and an initial consultation.

Action-oriented, Cut-off negative habits and replace with new, positive habits for greater access to longevity.

VitaElite Immersion

VitaElite Immersion


1-month exclusive daily contact

Immerse Me
The ultimate, fast-tracked option to make a huge shift in your life. I'll be with you every day. Your old habits will be gone, replaced with new ones—and you'll be well on your way to a new you.

Once (or more) daily contact with me using asynchronous audio/video/text/email communication.

Exclusive Access to Coach Steven

1-hr initial consultation based on completion of pre-assessment on the first month, if not already done previously.

If subsequent months are added, they include a 1-hr coaching session midway

Does not automatically renew

Vitamen Transparency Statement

Interested in my business philosophy and practices?

1. To DIY or Not—If you have tons of time and the willingness to interpret troves of convoluted and often conflicting information, you can find just about anything I use in my coaching on your own. Although the laborious research, time, analysis, synthesis, and testing would take you a very long time to figure out the optimal blend of the Longevity Trio; customized to you.

2. Beware of Systems—My 'system' isn't the only game in town; that's because in the health and wellness industry nearly all 'systems' out there are based on common knowledge and publicly available research and data. I don't have any proprietary intellectual property to protect and neither do nearly all other coaches.

3. Ease Your Journey—What you're buying is my ability to isolate from the vast spectrum of health, wellness, and longevity information, exactly what you need to reclaim your mojo and health. And my unwavering commitment to helping you extend the quality and quantity (years) of your life with my no-nonsense, data-driven, yet empathically-oriented coaching style.

4. Play the Part—The commitment to my health journey is a source of inspiration and trust for clients. I am, in essence, the "product" because I use these protocols and practices myself—and it shows. My intention and hope is that this website and the content herein build the trust and inspiration you're looking for to make your decision to work with me.  

How I sell my services is important to me. I despise typical sales techniques; including email campaigns. So here's my promise to you. You won't find the usual sales bullshit like:

  • No persuasive, aggressive, or scarcity marketing tactics such as flash deals with countdown timers or 'only one spot left' ploys. I can't stand them and I won't subject you to them either.
  • No $.99 or $x99 suffix pricing. C'mon man, $199 is $200.

Not Quite Ready?

Schedule a free 20-minute VitaCall. Share what you're struggling with. Let's brainstorm a bit.

Use It or Lose It My Friend!

The more you sit and don't move your body regularly, the more likely you'll develop completely preventable age-related issues. Got questions?